Jökullsarlon at sunrise (23k) |

Jökullsarlon in clear air (27k) |

Swimming ice (44k) |

Hole of ice (24k) |

On the iceberg (29k) |

Wedged (34k) |

"Poisoned by colour" (19k) |

Sculptures (28k) |

Colours of ice (28k) |

Food (45k) |

Bird from ice (25k) |

Bird with fledgling (28k) |

Structures in the ice (33k) |

Pyramid (35k) |

Block of ice before facing the wave (28k) |

Block of ice before in the wave (37k) |

Block of ice before past the wave (28k) |

Porous piece of ice (34k) |

Hut of ice (22k) |

Block of ice in the water (32k) |

Block of ice in sand (37k) |

Block of ice in sun (36k) |

Block of ice before I went swimming ... (37k) |

Taking a bath (37k) |