Taking a bath
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Taking a bath

In action


History of this image:

  1. Two crazy photographers waiting for the right moment to reach the spot inside the vanishing wave.
  2. Adjusting the camera at the tripod. The sun has to be behind the block of ice.
    Bruno obviousely faced the next wave and was emerging but I wanted to go a little bit nearer to the block. This took the crucial seconds.
  3. Thus Bruno is leading ...
  4. ... and I'm swimming. ;-)
    Please note that also the ice block on the left was knocked over.
  5. But the ice block never stands up again.

Many thanks to Käthi Grimm who banned this scene on to film.
Film: Fuji Velvia
Lens: 2.8/20
Filter: Polarisation
Body: Minolta Dynax 7
Date: 11.2.2003
Time: 15 - 16
Support: Manfrotto 190B

Copyright © 2002 Andreas Tille.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this images under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
I am willing to support free software projects with higher resultion and higher quality images at request for free.